Deployment of telematics applications for European interoperability

The grant agreement under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for the action entitled “Deployment of telematics applications for European interoperability” (Action No. 2018-EU-TM-0063-S) was signed on July 4, 2019 by the Executive Agency for innovations and networks (INEA), the association RailNetEurope (RNE) in the capacity of coordinator and HŽ Infrastruktura in the capacity of the beneficiary and seven other European railway infrastructure managers. At the end of the project, the total amount of eligible costs for HŽ Infrastruktura is EUR 414,069.44, and it will be co-financed by the European Union in the amount of 50 percent of eligible costs.

By implementing the project, HŽ Infrastruktura as infrastructure manager has modernized its IT system for ordering train routes and achieved better communication and exchange of documents between infrastructure managers and railway undertakings.

Also, by implementing this project, HŽ Infrastruktura has complied with Commission Regulation (EU) no. 1305/2014 of December 11, 2014 on the technical specification for interoperability in relation to the subsystem of telematics applications for freight transport of the railway system in the European Union and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 62/2006. (TSI TAF) and Commission Regulation (EU) no. 454/2011 of May 5, 2011 on the technical specification for interoperability regarding the “telematic applications for passenger traffic” subsystem of the trans-European railway system (TSI TAP and TAF) as directly applicable binding regulations of the European Union.

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