HŽ Infrastruktura Limited Liability Company manages 2,617 km of railway lines in the Republic of Croatia. It maintains 547 stations and stops, 1,437 level crossings, 109 tunnels and 543 bridges. HŽ Infrastruktura is responsible for traffic management and operation, for rehabilitation, maintenance and construction of railway infrastructure.
Within the scope of Croatian railway network modernization, HŽ Infrastruktura emphasizes projects, for which co-financing has been foreseen largely from EU funds, i.e. those projects for which HŽ Infrastruktura has already secured European funding, as well as all other projects that can be realized by co-financing from EU funds.

HŽ Infrastruktura has 2 international loans: a WB loan for the Sustainable Croatian Railways in Europe Project, to improve the operational efficiency and the financial sustainability of the public railway sector in Croatia, and an EBRD loan, for the HZ Infrastructure Modernisation Project for restructuring, modernisation and capital investments.
Please see the list for currently ongoing works and their effect on railway traffic .