Studies to upgrade the railway line section Zagreb Main Station – Hrvatski Leskovac
Railway line section Zagreb Main Station – Hrvatski Leskovac (10.7 km) is located on the corridor RH2 and is also a part of the section Rijeka – Zagreb – Budapest on the Mediterranean corridor.
On 16 November 2021 HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o. signed the Grant Agreement INEA/CEF/TRAN/M2020/2440898 as part of the Connecting Europe Facility Transport Sector (CEF – Connecting Europe Facility) with the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). The value of the Grant Agreement is EUR 3.3 million, of which EUR 2.8 million, or 85 percent, is co-financed from CEF, and the remaining amount of EUR 0.5 million, or 15 percent, is co-financed from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia.
The signed Grant Agreement covers the following activities:
- Project management, publicity and visibility
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Preliminary Design with obtaining of a Location Permit
- Main Design
- Revision of the Main Design by reviewers in accordance with current regulations in the Republic of Croatia and issuance of a Declaration of Conformity by the Notified Body (NoBo).
Preparation of project documentation provides the basis for the next phase of implementation, i.e. provides the basis for the implementation of works for which it is planned to use EU funds in the upcoming period.
On 21 June 2023 HŽ Infrastruktura signed the Contract for preparation of project documentation with a consortium consisting of ŽPD d.o.o. and GRANOVA d.o.o. in the amount of EUR 1.6 million.
The contract includes the preparation of:
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Preliminary Desing
- Main Design
- Property rights
- Technical part of Tender Documentation for works
For more information about the project please contact