Enhancing the cooperation between Railway Infrastructure Managers for better safety management
HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o. participated in a European project with 12 of the following railway infrastructure managers: Austria (ÖBB – Infrastruktur AG), Belgium (Infrabel NV), Croatia (HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o.), France (SNCF Réseau), Ireland (Irish Rail), Italy (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana SpA – RFI), Poland (PKP Polskie Linie Kolojowe SA – PICP PLK), Romania (Compania Nationala de Cai Ferate SA – CFR), Sweden (Trafikverket), Spain (Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias – ADIF), The Netherlands (ProRail BV) and the United Kingdom (Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd).
The Grant Agreement was signed on 16.12.2016, by the European Commission and Network Rail Infrastructure Limited UK (as a “coordinator”). All other listed participants are “beneficiaries” who have authorized Network Rail Infrastructure Limited UK to represent and coordinate. The value of the project is € 178,345.00 and it was fully financed from CEF (100%).
The aim of the Project is to improve the safety management system of infrastructure managers in EU countries. The Project was implemented in such a way that project members organized mutual visits of their safety management system experts between infrastructure managers (pairs/groups), exchanging experiences on safety processes and safety culture according to previously elaborated areas of interest.
The project was completed in 2017.