Dugo Selo – Križevci railway section upgrade and construction of second track


Section Dugo Selo – Križevci (38.2 km) is an integral part of the main corridor railway line for international traffic M201 State border – Botovo – Dugo Selo on the corridor RH2 and is also a part of the section Rijeka – Zagreb – Budapest on the Mediterranean corridor.

On 8 June 2015 HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o. signed the Grant Agreement TR.1.1.03-0001 (for Phase I) within the Transportation Operational Program 2007 – 2013 (TOP) from the European Regional Development Fund with the Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure (MSTI). The Grant Agreement for the Phase I of the Project allocated EUR 23.5 million, which is also the maximum amount for co-financing eligible costs of which EUR 20.0 million or 85 percent is co-financed from the TOP,  and the remaining amount of EUR 3.5 million or 15 percent is co-financed from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia.

The Project implementation period according to the Grant Agreement is 01/2012 – 12/2016.

The signed Grant Agreement covers the following activities:

  1. Works
  2. Supervision
  3. Land acquisition

For the continuation of the implementation of the Project (Phase II), funds were secured through the Operational Program “Competitiveness and Cohesion” 2014 – 2020.

On 29 April 2016 HŽ Infrastruktura signed Works contract with a consortium consisting of DIV GRUPA d.o.o., DALEKOVOD d.d. and ZAGREB-MONTAŽA d.o.o. in the value of EUR 164.6 million.

On 29 April 2016 HŽ Infrastruktura signed Supervision service contract with a consortium consisting of INVESTINŽENJERING d.o.o. and SGS ADRIATICA d.o.o. in the amount of EUR 2.5 million. The contract was completed in November 2021.

The implementation of the works on the section Dugo Selo – Križevci will enable the achievement of a nominal designed speed of 160 km/h and the stations will be reconstructed for the reception of interoperable freight trains with a length of 750 m, i.e., the reception of interoperable passenger trains with a length of 400 m and a maximum permissible weight of 25 t/axis, while the stops will be adapted in accordance with the requirements for the local passenger transport. The line capacity will also significantly increase, and the traveling times will be reduced while the journey quality will increase, with the possibility of including Bjelovar, Križevci and Koprivnica in the suburban railway traffic of the City of Zagreb.

As part of the Project, the following works are planned:

  • construction of the second track on the entire, 36.4 km long railway section (with the reconstruction of the station Dugo Selo 38.23 km)
  • reconstruction of the curves on the existing track with a total length of 9.4 km
  • reconstruction of the existing stations Dugo Selo, Vrbovec and Križevci and the associated stops
  • construction of the new station Gradec
  • construction of 6 new bridges and reconstruction of 7 existing ones
  • elimination of in total 17 level crossings, which will be replaced by 12 grade-separated crossings (delevelling) and 2 pedestrian crossings, which will be replaced by new pedestrian underpasses
  • upgrade of stable electric traction facilities
  • modernization of signalling and interlocking and telecommunication devices in accordance with the requirements for corridor lines
  • construction of ca. 20 km of noise barriers and new connecting and bypass roads in the length of about 25 km (service roads).

For more information about the project please contact korporativne.komunikacije@hzinfra.hr.


The Ceremony of Contract Signing
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