Connecting Europe Facility
HŽ Infrastruktura projects with the CEF funding:
- Reconstruction of the existing track and construction of the second track on the section Križevci – Koprivnica – state border
- Preparation of project and other documentation for construction of second track, upgrade and modernization of the railway line on railway section Škrljevo – Rijeka – Jurdani
- Preparation of technical documentation for the modernization of railway line M202 Zagreb GK – Rijeka, on the rail section Oštarije – Škrljevo
- Preparation of design documentation for the reconstruction of the Okučani – Vinkovci railway section
- Port of Rijeka multimodal platform development and interconnection to Adriatic Gate container terminal
- Upgrade of the Rijeka Port infrastructure – Zagreb Pier container terminal
- Technical assistance to improve capacity building for railway infrastructure manager in Croatia
- Enhancing the cooperation between Railway Infrastructure Managers for better safety management
- Improvement of railway infrastructure – establishment of monitoring systems for safety, security and technical controls
- Application of telematics applications for European interoperability
- Studies to upgrade the railway line section Zagreb Main Station – Hrvatski Leskovac

Opened Procedures
Currently there are no opened procurement procedures.
Contracted Procedures
Cancelled Procedures
Project tenders will be carried out in line with the Croatian national legislation, i.e. with the Public Procurement Act and relevant rule books and regulations, and will be published on the following websites: